Originally Posted by Slims
I don't know whether this is good medical advice, but I have always pushed through the pain and never had anything happen except for more pain. I will run on shin splints all day long if I need to in order to accomplish my goals. I have had them so bad you couldn't touch the inside of my shin-bone, but my legs still worked just fine and after a (painful) first mile or so they would go numb and I could run pain-free.
I'm up way later than I should be, but I have throw in a quick note here. This is not good medical advice, as several medical conditions can come under the broad term "shin splint." Pushing through the pain a little can be ok, but if it persists, you need to find a way to reduce the problem. If the problem happens to be stress fractures, pushing through the pain can cause significant injury.
Like I said, I'm just throwing this out there on my way to bed. Much good advice has been provided above, but if people want more, toss a reply this way, and I'll post more tomorrow.