1. How the fuck do I get over this heartache?
Baby yourself. Cry. A lot. Eat bad food to your heart's content.
2. Should I egg his/her houses? or Should I get revenge? If so, how would be an awesome method?
No revenge. As much as you want to. Karma will come back around to him. And you might just get to sit back and watch. But if not, that's ok. Just know he'll get his at some point and time.
3. Why do I want to go back to him even when he's such a douchebag?
Because you love him. Just not his actions.
4. Should I delete his number from my phone and get a new number? What if I need him for something?
Keep it for now. Don't get a new number. That's letting him know he has that much of an effect on you. Just be strong. And don't you dare, DARE, contact him.
5. I feel so lonely and sad. Tell me some things about me that you like and why I deserve a new man.
I don't know you. But I can tell you you're worth more than some twat who cheats. No one deserves that. Well, unless you cheat too lol.
6. How would you usually get a new man?
Online. I don't have to shower or do my hair / make up in order to talk to men.
7. Would it be creepy to date a man over the internet? How do you do this? What are your experiences with this?
No. I dated a man who lived in the UK for 2 years. Obviously didn't work but it was nice while it lasted. He came to visit me about 6 times over the course of the relationship.
8. I've been scaring away men by acting kooky.It ends up making me feel like shit. What is a good way of flirting with men?
Act like yourself. And hide the desperation if there is any.
9. I expect to have sex with my new man soon.. but not as soon as the first night. I would end up crying like a bitch. How do I explain to a horny pervert that I'm actually looking to take it slow. But, not too slow.
"Hey - I just got out of a relationship but while my heart's healing, I'd like to get laid and / or maybe even find a great friend in the process."
10. What are other methods of meeting guys that you recommend? How do I do them?
11. Should I even get a new man? Why/why not?
When my ex and I broke up, I tried to get a new man but I couldn't even start writing the ad. So I just drank, cried and ate. After just starting to get over him, he called. And he's back now. But we're not 'dating.' We're just basically fucking and saying how much we love each other. It's complicated, yet simple lol.
As much as it hurts, the healthiest thing is to date yourself for a while. However, finding another man is the easiest way to get over heartache - I've done this a few times. It really is up to you. But whatever you do, don't harm yourself or someone else in the process.
You'll be in my thoughts.