TV shows TFP wants to live in
Bear Cub invites you to ponder all of the sitcoms, cartoons, sci-fi, and what-have-you that you regularly, or not so regularly, watch on the boob tube.
If the world inside these TV shows actually existed, which one would you want to be a part of?
Bear Cub sees two possibilities for himself:
Skins - Quite possibly the best TV show ever, and perfectly suited for Bear Cub. Gorgeous late high school to early "uni" girls, promiscuity, a free-for-all of narcotics and alcohol. Perhaps more importantly, a relatively care-free life when careers and the responsibilities of adulthood are still a thing of the future, and a group of remarkably genuine friends.
Futurama - Bear Cub and Bender should be heterosexual life partners. And, if I were frozen like Fry, I'd be rich.
Living in the United Socialist States of America.