Originally Posted by Master_Shake
x2. The "law" is designed to encourage speeding to raise revenue. It has nothing to do with safety or a respect for authority. Getting a speeding ticket is the reverse lottery we all play by driving on public roads.
OK, this is false ... I mean dude, you must really hate capitalism!! To blame everything on it is just ...
I go with JJ here. You have to keep the to the speed limit because you're a HAZARD to other drivers. Street-ways have a maximum limit of 45mp/h because, well, try cornering with a household sedan vehicle at 45mp/h and see what happens. Rural area highways have speed limits maximum of 70mp/h because thats really all you need. Plus the 5 extra mp/h compensates for the lack of traffic. Going any faster will reduce the time you get to your destination by 10 minutes and this is because you have to include other variable factors such as traffic flow and lights.
Sorry SMeth, I won't take capital bashing lying down, ever!
That said, back to the OP ... nothing useful here, carry on.
EDIT: Now that I think about it I once had a ticket for doing 65 on a 35 zone. Needless to say they never even gave me a ticket, just the pink summons to court. I immediately got a lawyer on it.
Another time n my way to Wilmington I was going 95 on a 70 zone when I saw what might have been a dodge charger. As soon as I confirmed it was, in fact, a dodge charger, which could only be accomplished by passing it, I pulled in front of it and reduced speed to 77mp/h without braking. This meant he didn't have enough time to clock me but he pulled me over anyway. This took place at Sampson County in Clinton.
"Son, you know the speed limit aroun' here?" Fingers in belt buckle.
"Err, it has to be like, erm, 70?" sheepishly.
"Well yeah son, do ya know fast'chyou were goin'?"
"I must've been doing like 72?"
"Son you weren't goin' the speed limit 'cause I was doin' the sped limit and you passed me easily."
"Officer I apologize but I'm pretty confident because I was cruisin'!"
"May I see your license and registration please?"
"OK" This time a litany of "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" is playing in my head because I hadn't registered the car yet.
He got me off on a warning for the speeding, but I got a ticket that would be dismissed had I proved I had registered the car by the 21st of august. Stupid thing is, I thought it was the 21st of July so I showed up a month early. They handled my case non the less and charges were dropped.