Got my first one in four years of driving this past Spring. Was going 47 in 30 after midnight coming home from hanging out with friends and didn't see a cop coming up in the oncoming lane due to the serpentine-like road through the local woods (read - no street lights).
On average, I do 5-10 over or depending on traffic. I go the speed limit in local areas that I know have speed traps. On the highway, I go as fast as traffic allows within the Chicago city limits and usually 80 once I'm out. The fastest I've ever gone while behind the wheel is 90, but I was in a car that was doing 122 once.
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future. Common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot now. - J. Jacques