I watched about half of it, but wasn't feeling compelled to finish watching it. As someone who met his wife playing WoW, seeing other people who met playing isn't hugely fascinating to me. I lived it, I don't really care horribly about seeing how other people had it happen (especially when their stories are, on the whole, creepier than my own).
I mostly got totally distracted looking up that Syndicate guild and boy are those guys a bunch of crazy wankers. Their guild rules specifically state that you're not allowed to be a member of ANY other guild on ANY other server because they demand 100% loyalty from their members. If you ever leave for any reason, you're banned for life (excepting "extreme" circumstances). I like my guild and all and I'm an officer and I think it's cool to have a group of folk I like to hang out with, but holy shit. That's a level of commitment in a game that's way off the charts.