Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
The insomnia I suffer when he is out of the country for work is bad enough, I couldnt imagine him being in the same house and NOT in the bed with me.
My SO and I have difficulties sleeping without each other too. We try not to be apart for long if we can help it. We go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. I can't imagine not sharing a bed with him.
When we had roommates, obviously there wasn't a lot of space for either of us to have a "me" space. But we changed one bedroom into a study, and we've used a twin mattress left over from my single days as a sort of chaise lounge. Last night, he didn't feel well, so he vegged out watching Hulu in the living room while I hung out in our study, reading a book. The study can take turns being "me" space.
I don't really need "me" space so much as I need "me" time. So long as I have time in which to do the things I like to do, I'm good.