You start by showing them how you handled the outside pressures when you were in the middle of them. You have to be completely honest. They get their first education from you, so whatever you've shown them will be their first impulse when confronted with the new ideas. If they trust you enough to talk to you about them when they surface, you can somewhat guide them through it. They are individuals as filtherton mentioned above, so they will develop their own slant on issues and dealing with pressure.
It's always an issue of doing the best you can, and hoping for good outcomes.
On a side note, I think people would develop their personalities earlier if they were allowed to think for themselves earlier. We baby them too long and they don't develop because of it. There is no reason to have to take several decades to become a fully fledged, thinking human being.
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."