hahaha! Guccilvr, that video made my day! -my accent isnt too bad, its only slightly scouse.. for a scouser.
As for detecting the British accent, im not totaly sure if thats a good thing. but thanks all the same 'of Ages, very astute of you! :]
Facebook seems to be slightly better than Myspace on the stalking prevention front, that is.. as far as im aware.
im not convinced i am being stalked quite yet, so the ego thing isnt really hitting me. i've not even found my cat dead... yet :P
one more thing; how exactly does one go about 'nipping it in the bud?' sure the very nature of the stalker would make this quite a task? i don't think a restraining order is an easy thing to do in the UK. I tryed to get my mate sectioned once for a laugh.. turns out you need a fair amount of evidence