Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I like soft hands. With plenty of hair on them.
Feel free to post werewolf pictures and whatnot. I like a man with body hair. 
I've posted the 'hairy back and butt man' before. But I don't want to make the thread NSFW

Originally Posted by Crompsin
My hands are weird. I've got thin fingers and a longish palm. Useful for gunsmithing projects and climbing, I suppose.
Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
How do ladies feel about rough hands handling their, ermmm, delicate bits?
The most recent bf, or whatever he is / was, is a mechanic for Coke. His hands are perfect. Big. Rough. Calloused. But not splintered or crackly. This is where I draw the line. If I need to worry about cuts down below, then no. Not interested lol.
Originally Posted by settie
I've only ever dated musicians, and they have the general music calluses from whichever instrument they play, as do I.
See, now smooth-hands-guy I mentioned above played guitar. I think he was just born with some extra estrogen or something lol.