Just a thought. Don't know if this will help. Assemble photos of supermodels / fashionable actresses. 9 out of ten of those women are unusual looking and don't conform to traditional ideals of beauty. Tyra Banks and her huge forehead, Renee Zelwiger and her squint, Lily Cole and her X-Files Alien face, etc.
Point out to your daughter how different these women look from the average Sears Catalog model and how different they look from one another.
Talk to her about Kate Moss - how when she was in school everyone made fun of her because she was so skinny. Ms. Moss trind to gain weight and hated her small chest (or so the story goes). Then, she became a supermodel BECAUSE she looked a bit different.
Point out other women that are considered beautiful but break the mold - Gina Carano and Danica Patrick, etc.
Maybe the message will seep in that everyone looks different. Maybe if she sees herself as so different, she will start to look at it as an asset, not a liability.
Best of luck.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.