Originally Posted by Starkizzer
Though it took us forever for me to have an orgasm in the first place and some days it takes him going down on me for a good hour before I can have one. Maybe a g-spot orgasm will have to take even longer...his poor hand is gonna fall off.
Thanks ladies for the advice! 
Starkizzer, sounds like you have a keeper there! An hour? That is dedicated right there. I don't think it's a question of time, it's a question of practice. The better you both know your body the easier it will become over time. I never used to be able to and then it happened. To me it was really down to the right combination of clitoral and g-spot stimulation. Maybe you can work on your clit while he takes care of the g.
I suggest you pee beforehand to make sure your bladder isn't under pressure. Also, when you feel the peeing sensation, are you fighting it, so you won't pee? Because it may just be that you need to let yourself go. I doubt you will pee. Who knows, you may squirt! Try to stop thinking about possibly peeing and try and just concentrate on good sensations you are having.
And also, try it on your own first. Always easier once you know yourself what you need to get there.