What do you consider a healthy relationship?
I think a healthy relationship is one in which both parties care about the others' feelings and work hard to create an environment of safety and security.
How much sex does it involve?
Hopefully the amount is a compromise between the partners needs (of which one is almost always higher than the other.)
Does it include marriage?
Marriage is my preference. But I don't think it's a requirement. The real key is the commitment, not the piece of paper.
Do you find you're able to develop a better relationship with the opposite sex or the same sex?
I develop the best relationships with people I'm not physically attracted to. Sad but true. The sex gets in the way of the connection.
Have you ever been in a truly healthy relationship, or do you just dream?
Not yet. I keep hoping though. I think I have a better idea of what it requires and may even have an idea of how to get there.
Do you feel you're capable of having a healthy relationship?
Yes. I think I have a higher level of self-awareness than most people. I'm empathetic. I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. On the downside, I have a co-dependent streak about a half a mile wide. For me, having chemistry almost guarantees that streak will come out in force. I'll turn into pushy/needy bitch in an instant. It sucks.
If you have a healthy one, do you feel obligated to share your secrets on keeping a healthy relationship with your friends who ask how you do it?
I share what has worked and not worked for me. I'm learning that the feeling of safety is more important than almost everything else in a relationship. Even communication. Yes, I said that right. I think it's more important to make someone feel safe than it is to communicate with them. Fact is, when someone feels safe, communicating is a hell of a lot easier.
"Never regret something that once made you smile."