Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
Also, in my defense, she's said the *exact* same thing to me, in a joking way, when the situation was reversed, so I was partly copying that.
And then...
Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
I really don't think was being passive-aggressive or manipulative, though.
I do.
If I understand what you are saying correctly, you spoke to her in the way she did previously when you were on the opposite side of the conversation. How did you feel when she spoke that way to you? What would your motivation be for talking like that to her now? It seems like the very definition of passive-aggressive to me.
I don't post this to attack; if I didn't care I would not have posted. I don't think you've been treated fairly here, but I bet she hasn't been either, in this situation or others, and I'm sure you each feel like you've been treated badly by each other in the past which is magnifying something so insignificant as dishes into this negative thing. Not that this isn't important, just that what is important isn't the dishes, but your feelings around them and the communication and relationship interaction about them.