Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I think it is only appropriate to make a separate thread about this, so as not to not fill the thread about which MMA fighter will win which brawl with comments about its validity as a sport
I will make the following points
1 - To strike a man when he is down is utterly cowardly. Any person who chooses to compete in a sport where a key factor is the striking of a fallen man fundamentally has an element of cowardice in his personality. The rule of MMA encourage cowardice
Haha, nice, I'll bite at this thread, maybe you've learned something in an hour or so.
Cowardice? Not at all, just because you have some delusional belief about fighting, doesn't mean striking a downed opponent shows cowardice, although I find it funny a guy who wouldn't have the sack to step into a ring calls the men who do cowards.
Many of the people who will comment on this are men, who were once boys, and as a kid at school or as a man in life - we probably have all been in some kind of fight or other. Assuming you arent fighting for your life - if you knock a man down, you let him get up and fight.
You guess wrong, the man goes down I put my size 12 boots to his fucking ribs, you let him up and get your ass knocked out, I'll boot fuck the cock sucker
When he says down the fight is over. Full stop. The rules of MMA are a direct affront to the basic concepts of sport and masculinity.
Masculinity, there's that delusional view you have again, I hope you never get into a fight SF, you'll be a fuckin bloody mess for the doctors to try and clean up.
You dont hit a man that is down, you dont hit a man in the back. Full stop.
Hit a man in the back? Ummm yeah that happens TONS in MMA, again that ignorance of yours is shining through.
2 - Wrestling requires some but little skill. If you look at MMA records even the best fighters have losses... thats because every MMA fight is a lottery.
EVERY fight is a lottery, I'd expect such a knowledgeable person as yourself to know that anyone can beat anyone at any given time, once again ever hear of a 'punchers chance'?
You slip up, or get taken down, and someone has you in a position to break your arm in a second. You either submit, or cant carry on anyway.
Same with boxing, you slip and take a big ass glove in the chin and go down in a heap, guess boxing isn't a sport either.
MMA is about as fair judge of supremacy as the average brawl in a pub car park . One mistake and the fights over thats it. Anyone with a basic level of toughness and strength could be a MMA champion after 2 months of training
Any fighting sport you make one mistake and it could be over, even your beloved boxing, get that through your head, fuck man, you must enjoy looking foolish, first in one thread now you start another just to let you ignorance and foolishness shine through.
Now you're just talking out your ass again, 2 months you say? That must be one of the fucking dumbest things you've ever posted on this forum, and trust me with that last thread there has been some big ones, but this is juts stupid.
3 - MMA has no history. Boxing goes back to men like James Figg, Tom Cribb, Jem Mace (and if you dont know who they are you dont know much about combat sports in general)... the holder of the world championship may be involved in alphabet politics, but they also inherit a title that can be best described as "The Emperor of Masculinity". Boxing has produced Marciano, Pep, Ali, Louis, Johnson, Leonard, Robinson, Sullivan, Mace, Chazev, Foreman, Dempsey, Wilde, Holmes, Liston, Tyson... MMA has names like Graycie, Silva, Liddell...
Yeah, exactly. Who?[/QUOTE]
Nope I have no ide who they are and guess what, I know a hell of a lot more about combat sports than someone who didn't even know how long an MMA fight was, or someone who thinks wrestling takes little skill. As for this "The Emperor of Masculinity" never heard a boxer use a title like that, guess he didn't want to sound like he likes to suck cock, because to me that title screams cocksucker.
Nice thread though, at least all you ignorance can shine in one spot now for all to see, should be a funny thread, I bet it gets HOF worthy rather quickly.
Oh yeah, didn't you start another thread like this before and just regurgitate the same arguments you make, I remember that rather feminine "The Emperor of Masculinity" thing being mentioned, still sounds like the title of someone who loves the cock.