Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
I know that GW did a GREAT job keeping the North Vietnamese out of Texas, but as far as I know, please, other than McCain, name a Republican who served.
When did Vietnam invade the continental US with a show of force? They came strong in the 30s and 70s, but they only brought their family and good cooking along, not their desire to destroy us.
I don't wish to see you abandon us. Hopefully you can adapt your online persona to withstand a fair bit of criticism, because you stand to lose a whole in real life if you can't do so in an environment you can relatively control yourself. Clear your head abit if need be, but please do not announce your departure if you seek to go; it draws unwelcome attention to something that is better left forgotten, and is just a ploy by someone who needs to make it all them. I don't attribute that trait to you at all.