Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages
You're right, bars and parties aren't good to meet your potential wife,
Really? My wife is going to be surprised when I get home tonight and tell her that we couldn't have met at a party....
Seriously, of the 4 long-term relationships in my life (including the one I married), I met 2 of them in bars, one through a friend and one at a party. When I met my wife, I was there as the date/escort for a friend at a fundraiser for a charitable organization. My future wife was sitting at the table next to ours.
Nice people do go to bars and parties. The problem is that nice people sometimes have one-night stands with folks that aren't compatible for long-term relationships. The times that I met the women who became "long-time companions", I had no intention of taking anyone home - and I didn't that night. But they were interesting enough to call a few days later. For me, it was more about my mindset than anything else.