So you gave up a job because it made an ex uncomfortable - you won't go back despite the fact that it will address one of the issues in your current life because it would make the current SO unhappy. You attempt to please him sexually without getting that same thing in return and left school for a semester so that he could have an urgent medical problem dealt with.
Explain what part of any of this makes you sound selfish and egocentric?
Wanting to be the centre of attention isn't necessarily selfish - you should feel like you have your partners complete attention.
As for procrastination - I think everyone does that occasionally, the issue for me here is that he expects you to address his needs without him addressing yours. That to me screams out that he doesn't want a partner he wants a mother, someone to take care of him. If you don't want to do that ( I know I sure as heck wouldn't even for my SO) then you'll have to make a decision about what you do want from a relationship and see if he's willing to give you that.
The fact that he chose not to discuss the fact that he was having issues with the two of you sharing the car also worries me though. Those small things if not aired while they are a small thing turn into big things, the resentment builds up until it reaches boiling point and suddenly you find someone screaming at their partner about the most inconsequential things imaginable. This is a major warning sign of bad communication on his part for me - if he had said something I am sure you would have made CERTAIN you didn't make him late anymore.
I hope things change with the new car, I really do but honestly I don't think they will. If he's not interested in foreplay he is not interested in fforeplay - suddenly not having to drive you to work is not going to fix that. It might improve his libido sure but it doesn't necessarily mean that forelay will suddenly become a part of his sexual repertoire
*********** Side Note *********
There are alot of good benwa ball type things out there - weighted, vibrating, steel, glass, plastic - all comes down to personal choice - thus far my favourite is
The top half is more heavily weighted then the bottom one so that they roll with every movement of your hips. They're from a company called sin five - with the 5th sin being lust and all.
PS. Actually despite the fact thatI am a huge Jacqueline Carey fan the name is from old disney fantasia - the ballet dancing hippo was called Hyacinthe