Originally Posted by Jetée
Thank you, I've had the idea on the shelf for a while, but was waiting for the numbers and dates to align significantly or whatever.
Now this. I've been meaning to address this point in suggestions/support, but I thought it would be too much trouble and notice for something that maybe affects only me. So I let it be.
I don't like the clutter of too many embedded youtube videos, so what I do is immediately after sending a post, I click 'edit, go advanced', and there will be a new box checked that says "Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on)." ... I uncheck the box, and my embedded video reverts back into a link.
It helps me unfetter and allow me to post more "cleanly", but sometimes it gets to be a hassle, posting, editing, unchecking, re-posting constantly.[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]
Damn, Jet, I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a while now!
Thanks, Jet. You're an endless sea of knowledge, man...
I can't think of anything to contribute,
yet, but, as soon as I come up with something, I'll be back.