Well that was fast! Our friend didn't have anything to add to this which is from my wife "Balaniki".
Here's my $.02
I'll start based on importance:
>My wife has an aversion to dogs who sling slobber everywhere, but this dog will be an outside dog (so she is willing to relent here).
What good does a dog do if it's OUTSIDE and your wife is INSIDE? What if the bad guy gets inside? If the dog is always outside it will have little interaction with you. Interaction = bonding = loyalty = the desire to protect you. I would highly recommend rethinking the outside-only rule. Another reason is that many responsible breeders and rescue groups will NOT sell/adopt an animal that will be outside only.
>Yes, it will be imperative that someone with skill (not us) properly train the dog and us as well.
Basic and intermediate obedience is a good start. But if you decide to get into the presonal protection area of training keep this in mind - you, your wife and the dog will need to continually go back for training, proofing, and practice. Finding a GOOD PP trainer is hard.
The vast majority of home invaders are deterred by just the sound of a dog barking. They don't even need to see one - just hear it. A large dog, especially one of a easily recognized breed that is KNOWN for it's protectiveness (like German Shspherds or Rotties) will get most of the rest of the bad guys - regardless of the dogs training. Just the sight of a big, loud, barking German Shepherd, Rottie, Dobe, Pit (GOOD Pits are great dogs - BAD ones should be destroyed) will send those guys running.
(added by mtsgsd) A poll was done a few years back among convicted burglars as to what they look for in a house to rob. They all agreed that any sign of a dog would make them look for a different house.(end)
The totally determined, stop-at-nothing bad guys will be stopped by only one thing - a gun.
I'm biased.
I'd recommend either a rescue German Shepherd (I have rescue contact information if you are interested) or one from a VERY good breeder (I know several I could recommend).
I'd look for one without alot of PREY drive (that would be bad for the Poodles and the cats) but with lots of PLAY drive (MUCH easier to train these). Healthy parents and grandparents and great-great-great grandparents. Various training titles to prove the dogs CAN do what they were bred to do - herd, guard, protect, obey.
(More from mtsgsd)
Our friend didn't bother to add anything but I'll tell you that she frequently has phone calls asking her if her rottweillers are mean/agressive or can they be trained to be. Or they call saying they want to chain the dog outside as a guard dog, and rotts are supposed to be good. She will not even talk to these people.
There are legitimate reasons to want a dog for protection, and legitimate ways to go about it. the problem is that there are so
many freaks, assholes, clueless people out there that breeders will often turn you down out of hand if you say you want a guard dog. They expect their dogs to be valued members of the family. Forgive the arrogance, but it sounds like your heads in the right place, and you have realistic expectations. Just be carefull how you broach the subject when approaching breeders or people on dog boards.
The dog can be the protection you want and still be just as much a pet as the dogs you own already.