Originally Posted by Hektore
Now, I don't know a lot about cars, but I do know some things. Is it possible that this is related to a timing chain failure of some kind, because that is the only major problem I've heard about with Subaru. When the chain goes they need to be caught quickly or it will wreak havoc in short order.
Or you could just do what everyone has suggested to me - get the chain changed every 80k-100k miles. So for Fire: If you don't know when the chain was last changed, get it done just to be sure, the risk/reward for letting it go just isn't there.
The 2.5 DOHC's used a timing belt. If that went, I'd still be in the same boat, just with a lot more carnage, and no chance to limp it to a shop.
Originally Posted by Ilow
you weren't using synthetic oil by any chance were you?
Nope, castrol 10W-30