Originally Posted by ratbastid
I want to have rfid chips embedded in every product, and in my credit card. I want everything I'm carrying to be sensed remotely and billed to my card as I walk out the door. Fuck cashiers.
100% agree. I want to browse the entire store online, pick what I want by walking down virutal "isles" where I can compare prices by weight, brand, and look. Then make a list of everything I want and check out using my debit card. I drive to the store and tell them my name, then someone carries them out to my car and loads it up for me. Even better if I don't have to leave my house. There is where your cashier jobs will go. That will rock.
To the OP, I use them when I have a few items. Like water bottles or some veggies. Otherwise I have a cart full and I go through a line.