Family and Borrowing Money Good idea or Bad?
Recently my family is having issues with money. I think it is ridiculous to borrow money from family. My sisters have been in a fight over money. My youngest sister works at a movie theater and right now they have been giving her little to no hours. My other sister has the phone bill and car insurance in her name. Since my younger sister is not working, my other sister is paying the bills and getting angry with our younger sister. I told her that she needs to get her own phone and car insurance so that she no longer is adding to my other sisters bill. But no one seems to want to take my advise. My parents are getting mad at me for suggesting that she takes herself off my sisters bills, they say as soon as she gets her own bills she will stop paying my other sister what she owes her. I am just feed up with the whole ordeal. Money is a destructive force that breaks up families. I'm afraid that my family will get split up over money.
So borrowing money from family, good idea or bad?