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Old 06-26-2009, 09:39 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: Central Central Florida
I'm sure I've mentioned here many times -- I finally realized the value of goalsetting about 10 years ago and am absolutely certain that it's a sure way to accomplish anything.

I was able to lose 100 pounds in a year, leave an unsatisfying marriage with confidence and no guilt, obtain a job that will get me towards my larger goal, found a man who was both supportive and loving ... the list goes on. One of these days I may blog the whole story, but meanwhile ...

My experiences find that this methodology is simple and works.

1. Determine what it is that you want.
2. Define the steps that it will take to get there.
3. Cross off each step as you achieve it.
4. Set new goals.

I do believe that rather than having one large goal that will take years to get to, you must have short-term goals that lead to your long-term goal(s) OR set mini-goals that lead to the long-term goal. The ability to cross things off as you pass those steps is a constant pat-on-the-back and keeps you feeling accomplished in the short-term so that you don't back out or quit because you don't feel like you'll get to the goal.

This works for any goals you may have in life, but allow me to use something with which I'm very familiar. Example, I want to lose 50 lbs. That's my big goal. As BG says, give yourself a realistic timeframe. Don't be a total wimp, but give yourself more than enough time. So let's say my timeframe on the 50 lbs is one year. I'd consider that a long-term goal, so I'm going to break that into mini-goals. So I'd do it something like this:

by July 31st - down 1 jean size
by Sep 30th - down 2 jean sizes

You get the idea. Now, I can break it down to what it is I need to do to accomplish this. Eat right and work out, what else? So here's the list

1. Purchase lean proteins and quality carbs and frozen veggies, steel-cut oatmeal, barley, etc.

2. Grill a London Broil and 5 chicken breasts and 5 sweet potatoes on Sunday morning. Freeze proper portion of protein with sweet potato so I can grab one or two before I head out for work each day.

2. Eat 5 - 6x daily and aim for 1 gallon water daily.

3. Set alarm for 4 a.m. six days, write up weight workouts for Mon, Wed and Fri. HIIT cardio Tues, Thurs and Sat.

4. Post my progress (accountability) and menus, coach others.

So now I have a plan to accomplish the first goal of going down one size in jeans. I do these things every day and can cross them off each day as I accomplish them. After 30 days when my jeans are falling off, I may find that I'm down two sizes But at that point I cross off the first mini-goal and feel a major sense of accomplishment.

MUY IMPORTANTE: If you miss a step within your timeframe, or miss something on your to-do list, you just continue moving forward. The killer of dreams and goals is waiting for you to self-bash for eating that pie or not reading that book one night. Just pick up and continue to progress. What you did or didn't do is punishment enough, thank you.

Continue this pattern/routine until you reach the final goal. The trick is, as you know you're nearing the final goal, you MUST - and I stress that for a most urgent reason -- find a new goal. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the same realm. But when you accomplish what's always seemed an insurmountable goal, there this "now what?" sense which can bring you crashing down quickly. School, career, family, volunteering -- find something else to drive you.

It works. Period. I've just motivated myself because I remember how good it felt. I've been off the train in every way possible for about 5 years now; it's time for me find my helmet.

Thanks, BG. You have no idea.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain

Last edited by jewels; 06-26-2009 at 09:44 AM..
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