Originally Posted by guccilvr
I wish SYTYCD would bring back Wade for a whole season..his stuff is mind blowing. Shane Sparks has become predictable but his stuff is way better than anything Tabitha and Napolean (sp?) come up with..their choreography sucks.
I wasn't that surprised to see either go last night. Max never comes out of his ballroom feet.. that's not going to cut it.
thespian: I totally see where you're coming from on Wade, but his routines are challenging in a mental and physical sense.
Mia is freaking awesome, but her attitude gets in the way. I think Sonya could easily rival her.
and is it me or has Tyce's stuff just become really watered down lately?
and for the love of anything holy.. please tell Mary to SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'd like to get rid of her and replace with Adam. I'm so sick of hearing that god awful scream.
I think you are looking at two different styles of hip-hop in Shane and Tab&Nap. Shane's is very competition hip hop; story is sacrificed for common tricks done in a spectacular way. Tabitha and Napoleon are contemporary hip-hop that have a jazzier background. Lots of extended lines, less bounce, and more aerials.
Tyce, for me, hits once or twice a season with a killer broadway routine. He does 1970/80's musical theatre well; lots of running around stage. Less style, more pizazz.
I think what's holding Sonja back is what makes Mia's work so incredible. Sonja, it seems, believes that constantly supporting artistry, no matter the style or the level of work, will make better dancers. Mia does the opposite; she celebrates those who excel and doesn't applaud those who fall short. And I'd agree with Mia; artists are like wine grapes. Wine is better when the grape has struggled; it's brings out the flavour. An easy life in art means lazy, under achieving art.
And Wade is fierce, but look at the audience he is playing to. It's like putting Sufjan Stevens on American Idol. They are both incredible artists who have very limited audiences on a very production heavy show. They are in the wrong place for their art to be truly appreciated which is why he misses sometimes. I don't appreciate it when artists reach for an audience but it's kind of the nature of the beast in this case; something Wade can't seem to grasp.