Think of it like a cruise ship cabin. Those prices go up and down based on demand also. Both the plane and the ship are going to leave on schedule (or not) but once they leave they are going to have a fairly fixed cost and need to maximize their revenue before departure.
I think a little standardization would actually lower total cost and make customers happy and more loyal. Southwest Airlines has shown this to be true.
I don't mind the fact that supply and demand affect price. I don't mind that I can choose to pay more or less to have different rules on reserving seats or changing plans. It drives me nuts that a one way trip costs 2-3 times as much as a roundtrip ticket that includes that leg. By not returning I am giving the airline more opportunity to sell the seat. Why not just charge for the roundtrip and not have some silly rule I can not go one way and just "miss the flight" on the return home.
It really made me nuts when I checked on a flight several times over 2 weeks but did not purchase because I was trying to get friends to commit on the times for the trip. When I was ready to finally buy the tickets I did another search and the tickets were the same price they had been. I selected the tickets and entered all my information. Then when I clicked the purchase button the tickets suddenly were $200 more. That seemed to be a trick on the website and I am sure that was not fair.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"
Last edited by greytone; 06-17-2009 at 05:54 PM..