I think what she did was wrong.
She deliberately lied to/deceived/mislead people. I think that is wrong,
whether or not many of her readers care too much, were obsessed, are gullible, or seriously needed to get a life.
According to Mc Kinney's blog
my charming kids: an update on April Rose (the woman who was approached by Beushausen to promote the misleading blog) people sent Beushausen money and gifts. If this is true, I hope someone at least tries to go after her legally for accepting these under false pretenses. I'm not sure how she would have received them without giving the person some kind of an address. That doesn't sound like an innocent recipient to me.
Maybe you can write whatever you want to in your blog, but in cases like this I think they deserve negative repercussions.
Originally Posted by Halanna
... my sister in law writes a blog about her 3 year old daughter. I have to confess, I don't really care what the daughter said while tinkling after removing her Dora the Explorer panties. Ugh.
I would
love to hear what she said.