Zeraph, you've discounted the other posters and called ametc's family/friends d-bags for their actions.
I'm curious what you think she should do.
I deal with a lot of suicide attempts and suicidal people at my work. Some of them are such regulars I almost have their SS# memorized. Repeated attempts are very draining for people with no emotional attachments so I can only imagine it is even more so for family/friends. Repeated attempts start to feel like "Hey look at me! Pay attention to me!" attempts than an actual desire to kill ones self. Very few repeaters do/take anything that would be fatal. Most take enough to get a couple rounds of activated charcoal/a few sutures and a few days in a psych facility. The ones that are truly suicidal never make it to see me.
amtec, I don't pretend to know you or what your problems are but there has been some good advice passed in this thread based on my experiences and observations.