I'm trying to look at this from Zeraph's point of view and I do realize that ametc problem now is the unanimous feeling of discord from her immediate peers, but still, this is the third time.
I agree that she needs support. But I have to ask the OP, have you showed any signs of not following or participating in the regimen laid out for you by your doctors?If not then I agree with Zeraph, your friends and family are being total douches and you need to have a sit down with the people that matter and tell them you need support at this time.
Not to trivialize what your going through but people do get jaded, whether it be SAT tests, chemotherapy and even suicide attempts.
Not only is your family jaded but your friends are scared too. They don't know if they caused it, they don't know what caused it, they have no idea what will happen if they are around you or not. You need to have a sit down with them too.