I know what you WANT to hear is words of comfort but what you NEED to hear is the truth.
I'm bi-polar. I know all about feeling suicidal. But it wasn't/isn't about being unhappy or lonely, it's because i'm straight up mentally ill. And yet, after years of terrible downswings, I haven't attempted to take my own life before because whenever my body is fucking with me - and it does often - I do the responsible thing and get help.
Life is hard. Everyone is dealt and hand and works with it. And responsibility is, as Cynth says, solely on your shoulders. I don't know you. I don't know what kind of life you've had. But you make the choice to heal or to suffer. If your body makes them for you, then counter it with something you can control - medication, psychologists, group therapy, etc. Make that commitment to move forward, not just to "keep hanging on". Seriously.
If you make a lifestyle change that shows you are committed to healing, your family should hopefully recognize it and over time become less defensive.
Such is life dear. I wish I could tell you maneuvering it is simpler but you know it's not. Just help yourself out more by holding yourself accountable, being responsible regarding your mental health, and expand personally as a means of finding answers instead of just "waiting for the hammer to fall".
Good luck; we're here.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
Last edited by thespian86; 06-11-2009 at 09:25 PM..