Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
I don't see anything wrong or neglectful in allowing your children a modicum of privacy and the room to make their own mistakes. They obviously shouldn't have available to them the same privileges and freedoms as an adult but a parenting style founded upon mutual respect and trust and the willingness to appropriately correct and reward behavior results in children who develop into mature, adjustable and self-confident adults.
Interesting that you should argue this in a time when parenting has overall become more "mutual respect" oriented, yet children and adults have become more disrespectful. We are raising a nation of little entitlement hellions. If you don't believe me, there are a number of articles in which hiring managers complain that young employees today feel that they are owed the job and the money that comes with it, but don't want to be told what to do.
Your argument would be stronger if it weren't for the evidence of what modern parenting trends are producing.
Children need to understand that the onus for their success or failure is ultimately on them.
Eventually, on them. Children's parents need to understand that, while they are cognitively developed adults (theoretically, anyway), their children are not, even at the ripe old age of 17. This is why children are supposed to live at home until they are legal adults. If they were fully capable of managing their own life, and taking on the full responsibility for their success or failure, then they would not need to stay at home, and could move out and save you money.
Forcing your kids to feel they're serving a life sentence in the panopticon only leads them to become really good at lying and hiding.
I didn't say my kid was going to get handcuffed and only let out for exercise for 30 minutes a day. I said as a parent I have not only the right, but the responsibility, to know what he's up to.
Yes and those who don't share my same exact appreciation for art, wine, concerts, cars, cinema and whatever else are nothing more than uncivilized cavemen.
And just what does that have to do with the topic at hand?