Why is it that we live in a world of experts? Everywhere we look, read, hear, watch,....someone is giving us their expert opinion. Since when have we all become so qualified on every topic known to man?
And why is it that these so well informed expert opinions are usually topics that don't directly affect our everyday life? Because it is safe? Because we can spew all kinds of nonsense and in the end just walk away from it,..like it was disposible,...something like the expert opinion we just gave?
Even worse are those with expert opinions who spew their nonsense but in the end, the overiding hypocrisy of their expert thoughts are overwhelming.
Case in point. I care about the environment. I have been recycling since I was a little kid, due to my parents actions regarding such,...long before it was fashionable. Recently I was taken to task by someone with an expert opinion because of not turning my lights out for Earth Day.
Forgive me for saying,...but I am not jumping on the bandwagon for 1 hour a day, once a year just to parade around pounding my chest saying, "I 'm saving the planet , man." Absolute bullshit. And for what? To raise awareness for global warming? News flash,..if you haven't heard about global warming yet, live under a smaller rock.
So regarding this person who was so upset because I disregarded the lights out on Earth Day bandwagon,,...I queried them as to what efforts they were making to lobby for better environmental standards in their own backyard. You see, in the city I live in, everytime it rains, hundreds of thousands of litres of raw sewage is going from the filtration plants directly into the river,..the same river me and everyone get our water supply from.
Now you would think that this expert on the environment would be all over this,...informing the community, pressuring local council members, pressuring the province, pressuring environmental agencies to lobby government for change, informing media, establishing local watch groups etc.
But no,...and why? Seems that person can turn their stupid lights out for an hour on Earth Day, effectively accomplishing nothing but looking stupid sitting in the dark but has no time for something so important that can and will have a direct affect on them and their family.
Yup, an expert on everything environmental but when push comes to shove,...and when real action needs to be taken,...umm,..geez,..I just can't find the time.
Expert hypocrisy in it's finest form
" I'm saving the fucking planet, man."