Originally Posted by cybermike
She sounds like she's been smoking for 50+ years.
Perhaps, but that's a very sexy sound.
I've followed Lindsay's career for a while now and seen most of her films. She's been lazy since coming of age (her fault) and made too many bad choices (agent's fault?). As a teenager, Freaky Friday showed her range, Mean Girls showed that she could be sympathetic in quite a glibly-written role and in Confessions... her acting is far better than anyone else, adult or child, in the movie.
Get a Clue, Herbie and Just My Luck were very bad... but would certainly have been even worse without Lindsay. (I Know Who Killed Me could not have been worse no matter what was done with it.)
As an adult, she continued to be cast in very light roles and consequently turn in very light performances (Just My Luck) - even when more gravity was required (Bobby). In Georgia Rule, my pick of her adult films, she was likeable playing a fairly dislikeable character - think of someone more bitchy or vampy in that role, or an inferior actor (Megan Fox fits all those) and you can't really see it working.
Though I'll concede that evidence seems to be piling up to the contrary, I don't like to think Lindsay's career is totally sunk. She's still relatively young and all she needs to do (aside from adopting a more professional attitude on the job, which should come with maturity) is get a better agent. Someone who can recognise her strengths and weaknesses and take care of her career - guide her and wisely influence her choices. For the time being, that agent should land her either half-decent leading comedy roles (Labor Pains
may be that: time will tell), and/or character roles in respectable pictures that have a solid, mature cast.