A short story about my first field problem at Ft. Hood (Disclaimer: I was an asshole when I was 19)--
Shortly after I was assigned to my unit at Ft. Hood, we went on a short field problem--only a week or so I think. The last day of the field problem, I'm on the .50 cal, loaded with blanks, on a swivel turret mounted to a deuce and a half or a 5 ton, I can't remember, during the morning stand to. Out in the distance is a cow, as Ft. Hood was an open post and had cattle wandering all over the place, so I pop off a few blanks. Almost like magic, the CO, XO, and First Sergeant appear out of nowhere.
Top says,"Who fired their weapon?"
And I say, "I did, First Sergeant."
Top says, "Who were you firing at?"
And I say, "That cow, First Sergeant."
Top says, "Why where you firing at a cow?"
And I say, "Because he refused to stop and be identified, First Sergeant."
True story. And they must have thought I was just stupid or something, because that's all they said, they just left.