Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
Does anyone believe in a literal Satan?
You mean, does anyone
here, at TFP, believe in a literal Satan, right? Because, of course there are lots of people out there who believe in a literal Satan.
However, I think the question would be more interesting if it were "Does anyone here who believes in God, also believe in a literal Satan?" Because, of course
none of the atheists here are going to believe in a literal Satan.
BTW: I believe in God, but I do not believe in a literal Satan. But that's all I'm going to share here about my knowledge and beliefs on the subject of Satan.
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
This is not a philosophical question. It's an honest question in response to this news article...
Is it an honest question?
Or is it yet another one of your loaded questions, KnifeMissile? Because, right after you pose the question and present the news article, you fly off with yet another one of your rants...
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
Okay, so some religious fuckwit thinks that Satan is literally behind what he sees as "anti-family" legislation. There's nothing surprising about a religious idiot around every corner...
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
I also get a little nervous when "end times" talk gets thrown about in government. I'd hate to see government make decisions on the assumption that there's no tomorrow.
I agree with you, here. Which is one of the big reasons why I was opposed to McCain's pick of Palin as his running mate. The thought of McCain as President dying while in office, and Palin – a fundamentalist Christian, and an ardent believer in the literal Rapture and the subsequent Battle of Armageddon – becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the world's most powerful military (not to mention the world's most powerful nuclear arsenal), gave me the chills.