This is not a philosophical question. It's an honest question in response to
this news article:
Utah County Republicans reject 'Satanic' resolution
Utah County Republicans defeated a resolution opposing well-heeled groups that a delegate claims are pushing a satanic plan to encourage illegitimate births and illegal immigration.
Don Larsen, a Springville delegate, offered the resolution, titled "Resolution opposing the Hate America anti-Christian Open Borders cabal," warning delegates that an "invisible government" comprised of left-wing foundations was pumping money into the Democratic Party to push for looser immigration laws and anti-family legislation.
Larsen said Democrats get most of the votes cast by illegal immigrants and people in dysfunctional families.
But it's not the Democrats who are behind this strategy, Larsen said. It's the devil.
"Satan's ultimate goal is to destroy the family," Larsen said, "and these people are playing a leading part in it."
Larsen's resolution contained quotes from the New Testament on the battle between good and evil. The copy of the resolution handed to delegates stated it "fulfills scriptural prophecies about our times."
Larsen offered a similar resolution at the 2007 convention. That also was defeated by delegates.
David Rodeback, a delegate from American Fork, urged delegates to forcefully reject the resolution, as it would do the party more harm than good.
Rodeback said the religious language Larsen used would push people away from the GOP.
Joel Wright, a Cedar Hills delegate, agreed. He said George W. Bush was able to win the presidency because he had 40 percent of the Latino vote, while John McCain was defeated when he only got 28 percent of Latino ballots.
"We are not going to be the majority party if we keep pushing the Latinos out," Wright said.
But Cameron Sevy, a Provo delegate, said the GOP shouldn't be ashamed to say that America is a Christian nation.
Okay, so some religious fuckwit thinks that Satan is literally behind what he sees as "anti-family" legislation. There's nothing surprising about a religious idiot around every corner. What's more interesting than someone willing to publicly state this kind of religious nonsense in government is that the Republican reasons for rejecting it was... that it would hurt their public image. Specifically, they didn't want to alienate voters like immigrant citizens. Apparently, the idea of Satan pulling political strings against them was an otherwise reasonable statement and not something to be mocked or even simply dismissed.
I also get a little nervous when "end times" talk gets thrown about
in government. I'd hate to see government make decisions on the assumption that there's no tomorrow...
I'm also a little curious to know how "illegal immigrants" are supposed to vote...
So, I'm interested to know what people think of this. Does anyone believe in a literal Satan? Does anyone believe that he actually does tangible things here on Earth? How do people feel about these things being bandied about in government? ...or about family legislation in general?
Finally, I've been told that it's clear in the New Testament that we
cannot know the end times. Has anyone heard of this? Can anyone point out specific verses that support this idea?
Thank you...