Daval, I absolutely agree, but I think it's part of a larger problem. It's not just adults coddling their kids, but they do it to each other. Instead of being honest, most people just tend to enable bad behavior to coddle others. It may seem unrelated, but it's the same end result, by being nice, you're just harming the person more by not giving them the ability to learn the vital coping skills that they need to deal with difficult situations in real life. I pity those kids because they're going to end up like the coddled adults out there, too crippled by fear to act because people have sheltered them under the guise of being nice, but have instead made them so unable to deal with hardship in their lives that they freak out at the slightest stress. They then fall into patterns of attention seeking behavior, seeking more coddling, which is encouraged through enabling behaviors of others who are just as crippled. The shame of it all is that this is becoming a welcomed part of the culture which is being passed down through generations.
This reminded me of this video from a while back: