Originally Posted by Crack
I was not aware that every thread had to be a discussion of some sort, why can't this just be a "load of links to creepy/strange wikipedia entries" post?
pick one you don't know about, click it, and learn something new!
Threads everywhere save Nonsense and Found on the Net are supposed to be discussion-based.
Apparently you're not familiar with TFP Policy and Guidelines when it comes to starting threads. Here's a little snippit that seems applicable:
Thread Starting Guidelines
With the exception of a few specific forums, this site is centered around DISCUSSION and therefore all threads must have some conversational purpose.
If an external resource (news article, story, image, etc.) is being posted for discussion, the thread starter must quote the relevant part of the content along with their own thoughts and opinions on the topic. That is to say, you can't just post a link or a quote without adding your own words.
If possible, check to make sure that you're not starting a topic that is already being discussed. It is OK to rehash a topic that hasn't been covered in a while.
Please follow up with your threads and post in them frequently. A good thread starter will tend to their replies to keep the discussion moving.
You can read more of the guidelines here:
I can't hear
your opinions on these matters by clicking on those wiki links. That's what this forum is about - hearing the perspectives of our members and learning more about what everyone else thinks.
A blog entry or "Found on the Net" are better places for posting something like you created here. If you feel like editing your OP to elaborate on why these particular stories appealed to you and how you think they might be related to one another, then it could become an interesting discussion-provoking and thereby thought-provoking thread.
Another option is to take each of these wiki links that you so graciously put together, and attacking one each day. Start a new thread by posting the link, then write a paragraph that outlines your take on the matter. This encourages people to discuss these issues - you may learn something interesting. If you don't learn something interesting out of it - I probably will! I am a sucker for new perspectives.