I've ridden many bikes in the past and the best advice I can give you is do your research and don't settle for anything that isn't you.
I've been looking around for a new bike and am 99.9% sure I have the one. Before I tell you what I am heavily leaning toward, let me tell you how I got there.
Wasn't really difficult. When the market basically gives you a choice between a sportsbike and a cruiser, your options are severely limited. Hence, thinking outside the box.
A sportbike isn't my thing, period, so that was one option out. The cruisers were ok, but man, everyone and their brother rides one, or option 1. Not much in the sense of individualism.
Speaking of, I think a bike should be an extension of yourself. The bike I like is pretty cool, kinda weird and a bit odd. Sums me up in a nutshell.
So in the coming weeks I will decide and probably go with something a little out there. Not quite a sportbike, not quite a cruiser in the modern day sense.
Something that is just right for me. A Triumph Bonneville. A bit out there but hey, can't say it isn't different from option 1 and option 2.