Originally Posted by RoccoFan
I'v never had sex with woman with a Tit Job. But I wonder what the right etiquette is when dealing with them?
My current girfriend has 'em. This is what I've gleamed...
1. Do u by pass them ? Act as if they dont exist?
No way! She's paid good money for them and want them to be appreciated.
2. Touch lightly, gingerly as if u were handling eggs?
In my experience no need. Treat 'em like real ones
3. Treat them as you would normally do? Go to town and enjoy them, cos thats why they were enhanced in the first place!!
Exactly right
Same as with normal ones - depends on the lady in question.
5.. Are they as sensitive as normal un-enhanced tits?
This depends on the type of surgery. Nipples can lose sensitivity if they've had to be cut to insert the implants during surgery, but if done any other way they should be just as sensitive.