Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
This bit is interesting, but I'm assuming it has way more to do with the refined carbohydrates creeping in than it does with carbohydrates in general.
This is also fascinating. It reminds me of the literature I've read that argues how we aren't well designed for consuming meat and dairy from mouth to digestion.
I think humans are simply hopeless generalists.
Yeah, I don't think there's any evil to adapting to a more sustainable diet, but an understanding that we're actually stressing our bodies, somewhat, by the way we are changing our "natural" diet, might help us understand the diseases that we are currently deluged with, ie. diabetes, and heart disease. It might not be as simple as, we are too fat, but we also might be too fat, because of what we eat.
Wow, spellcheck is kicking my arse today. I mispelled diabetes twice, not to mention several one syllable words. I must be low on carbs.......
( I seem to be having a bad-brain day, sorry if I'm incomprehensible )