Originally Posted by Lindy
I recommend a great book that touches on this (and other) subjects. Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes, Book - Barnes & Noble a lot of science and history of human dietary development, agriculture and its effect on diet, etc. It is a real eye opener.
I follow a high protein low carb diet which allows virtually unlimited salad veggies like lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, but cuts out almost completely white flour, rice, potatoes, etc. I also eat a lot of berries, grapes, and mellon. The emphasis is not on zero carbs, but rather on CONTROLLING carbs and awareness about getting sufficient protein.
I have only heard of this book via Dr. Andrew Weil's website (whose recommendations I often trust). He generally supports Taubes' book, but suggests he might be a bit too harsh on carbohydrates. Weil recommends limiting animal proteins to a few times a week (and suggests fatty cold-water fish as the prime choice) and choosing carbohydrates that rank low on the GI scale. For example, sweet pototoes are a good choice because their GI rating is similar to berries and is quite close to grapes and is actually better than cantaloupes. Steel cut oats are as low as this too, and basmati rice is pretty low as well.
I support the controlling of carbs. There are certain things you should eliminate, including white bread, waffles, and doughnuts...plus you could benefit from reducing things such as regular potatoes. But there are a bunch of grains, legumes, and tubers that are actually ranked quite low on the GI scale and compare to a lot of the things that Taubes says you should eat.