Originally Posted by milkmilk
What does 'love' mean after you have gone through all the 'kissing non-stop' phrase in the early stages of the relationship?
Echoing what Manic Skafe said... the "kissing non-stop" phase at the beginning tends to not be love, in my opinion. It's infatuation, almost an obsession of wanting to be in full-body contact with that special someone, 24-7... and all your hormones are firing and telling you, "it's love, baby!!" because they're supposed to tell you that. But to me, that's not love. Love begins when you're able to stop sucking on each other's face all the time and start working through some conflicts together, learning how to compromise, seeing the "uglier" sides of each other and still choosing to be with each other in spite of all that. That's how it develops and gets beyond the infatuation stage. It's learning to truly appreciate the other person and embrace even their negative sides, seeing them as a whole being and knowing that they see you the same way.