Seldom do I become embroiled in these internet pissing contests, there's simply no future in it, but some thoughts........
Originally Posted by human_v2
I bet you drive an SUV living the all American dream of being dreadfully lazy. You pay people to do everything for you. I'm sick of it, and
you need to stop.
What the United States has become is a disgrace. Employees demand to be paid so
much money so they can afford their $250,000 houses with their $40,000 cars.
While I don't drive an SUV, I do own a brace of sports cars of which I'm sure you would not approve. My home is valued considerably above your arbitrary figure, thank you very much.
I'm not bragging here, just stating some facts. By the grace of God, I've achieved my place in life (society)......
and here's the part that people with views such as yours never grasp......
not by being "dreadfully lazy" as you so accuse, or by demanding that others (or the government) support me, but by working my ass off. I suggest you consider the concept.
I worked hard in college. The shitty jobs I had then paid my way through school; a means to an end. Good luck in supporting yourself now with YOUR shitty job. Enjoy.
Perhaps if you had spent the time, energy, and resources you have devoted to writing your "manifesto" on studying in college, you would not have flunked out. I do, however, admire your honesty in stating you flunked out of college. Your personal failure speaks volumes as to your writings and your manifesto.
And now you want society to support you by providing you with free information. How very typical of those spouting forth your views. I remember this same crap being espoused by the drop outs and flunk outs back in the 60's. I assure you, your thoughts are not original and are very poorly presented.
The socialism and communism you embrace will never succeed. This has been proven time after time over the course of history because of the simple nature of human beings. I have neither the desire or energy to continue THAT debate; just my opinion. Take a look at your history books.
One closing thought;
Your user ID suggests you take some pride in being identified as the "human" v2. The v2 rocket killed thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of innocent civilians when deployed by Germany in WWII.
Somehow I don't find it surprising that you take pride or find satisfaction in that fact.