The only people who bother to leave me voicemails are clients, friends, and parents, so yes, I usually check them.
I don't like text messages, mostly because my provider (Sprint) totally dicked us. When we went to get me a new phone, I selected the LG Rumor for its nifty slideout keyboard after the guy in the store told us that text messages were only $5/mo, with no extra fees. Wrong. The bill showed up the next month with a $15 charge for access to Sprint's Vision network, plus the $5 for texting. We tried to straighten it out, but they insisted that we needed the $15/mo Vision access to even have texting (despite the fact that I asked the guy in the store that exact question). Given that I have a $20 line on a family plan, it's not worth paying as much as my line costs just to get texting, so we turned the texting off (Sprint's charges are obscene for individual messages). Unfortunately, a lot of people my age and younger don't seem to comprehend that not everyone has text messaging or wants to use it. Sure, it has its uses, and there are times I wish I had it, but I think our culture has gone a little text-crazy. I HATE seeing people text in class. GRRRR. How much are you paying to sit in a college classroom and text people? Seriously.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau