Texts are superior in every way than VMs, and I will always send a text if I get someone's message. Why? Time and difficulty to parse. I can read a text message in 3 seconds, versus calling the traditional vm hassle of punching through menu options, then either waiting through the message header and wasting that time, or not having the message header and then having no idea if this was sent a week ago or this morning and by who.
Google is working on the ultimate solution to this problem, which is auto-transcription of your VMs, which will then be sent to you via text. Until then, the interim solution of visual voicemail eliminates almost all of the hassle on my end, and since installing PhoneFusion I have started checking my cell voicemail with great regularity. Having a list of messages displaying who (or what number, at least) they are from, time, date, and length, and having to just hit 'play' (or be able to delete without listening) makes voicemail actually useful.
twisted no more