I don't think voicemail's going anywhere anytime soon.
If you're willing to wait through my automated greeting in addition to the 10 rings before the phone kicked over to voicemail to leave one, I'll assume it's important enough for me to listen to. This rings true at work especially - no one's going to bother leaving a message just to ask me how I'm doing.
And really, we can't take a few seconds out to listen to the messages themselves? I usually only have to listen to the first few seconds to realise what it's about and how to respond. Voice-to-text is cool and all, but I refuse to be reduced to channeling my life through my thumbs.
For me it's all about ease of use. It's easier for me to hold the '1' button down and listen to my messages than to press however many it takes to read through all of them.
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Ok - can I edit my posts to read "what healer said"?