Thread: CARBS!!!
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
Deliberately unfocused
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Seems that lately, most of the folks closest to me are taken with the Atkins Diet (The Atkins Diet: What It Is) . Only, it seems to me, they have taken it to the extreme of "no carbs...ever!" They are living on steak, eggs, bacon, salads (ranch dressing only!), ribs, chicken, turkey, cheese... and pork rinds! No bread, no fruit, no pasta, no cereal, no ice cream or cake or pie or pudding or....

Sorry, folks, but you are losing more than weight. You are losing the FLAVOR from you lives! Holy crap, people! How can you live without bread? All of the wonderful different textures and crusts and flavors... How do you sop up your gravy? Oh, yeah, no gravy!

And what of those poor, lonely tastebuds craving something a little bit sweet? They are there for a reason, baby! How can you deny yourself some sweet, juicy berries or grapes, or a an apple, an orange. Where is your daily ration of hot fudge brownie? No cookies? No BIRTHDAY CAKE???!!!??!! Oh the humanity!!!

Here's the thing: I am a tall, slender fellow. At nearly 6'5", I've never weighed over 220 lbs, and at that, most folks thought I was still too skinny. Right now, at 190, I eat what I want, when I want without a worry of where those calories will land. I've never concerned myself with weight gained or lost, so possibly I lack empathy.

I want my "people" to be as slim as they wish to be, but more importantly, to be healthy about it. I've read a bit of the pros and cons, but most of the material I've seen is written with an agenda, either to promote or defame the no carbohydrate approach. I'm trying to understand, but I'm an unrepentant carboholic.

Have any of you tried this kind of diet? What were your results? Any bad side effects (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar)? How much weight did you shed, compared to how much you were wishing to? How could you possibly live with out carbs?

(I have a personal concern, as my wife has been lured into trying this diet.)
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard
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