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Old 04-01-2009, 01:50 PM   #3 (permalink)
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This is what happens when our government takes their eye off the ball. While I believe we should have eventually gone into Iraq (different discussion), it was definitely the wrong time to do it. This is an example of why...we are going to have to re-fight the battle we already fought, thus making the early deaths of the soldiers, a death in vain.

Should this kind of thing factor in Canada's and America's decisions to continue with their Afghanistan missions? No, we fight for those who can't fight for themselves. That's what makes us great nations. Those women will live another 1000 years under this BS unless we help them.
Do you accept the reasoning "you cannot change a culture in a few short years"? Perhaps not the outer most regions that are extremely rural. However, we could have made great strides had we not taken our eyes off the ball.
How much weight should Western politicians have in these kinds of policy decisions? Should they have any say? Well, that's like asking how much say the Obama administration should have in GM? I would imagine that you would say "A tremendous amount, we have controlling interest". I would then reply, it's the same thing.
Does Shia law have any place anywhere within a democracy? None - it is the exact opposite of true democracy. Since Afghanistan does not have money or resources, those who crave power can only control other people. Sharia Law is a way for men to control their women and their children, and thus feel powerful. Since it is falsely rooted in their religion, those who oppose it are deemed infidels and are killed. Thus, those who oppose it do not dare organize in masses to make substantive change. That is why we need to be there to give them a voice.

I am a person of faith and I do recognize that evil people can use organized religion as a means of controlling the masses and obtaining power. That's all Sharia law is, in my opinion.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."

Last edited by Cimarron29414; 04-01-2009 at 01:52 PM.. Reason: Sentence was difficult to read
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