Originally Posted by hunnychile
You, my friend, have landed on the great divide known as: "Is she perfect for me because it's so easy and I'm comfortable there and I can settle there....or do I need unpredictable rushes of adrenalin & wild ass excitement with a real heart-stopping Drama Queen who will "probably" rule my heart (even though I can't understand it!)"?
The Big Decision....you can settle or you can be addicted. It's your choice. Toss of the dice, so to say. But I've seen it so many times and in truth, who knows what's the better choice?!!
For me, I picked easy...or at least what I thought woulld be easy & predictable. This relationship has probably kept me alive & safe all these years. But I wouldn't say it was the best choice in the long run.
Yeah, we both have. I think we've both decided we're done with the emotional roller coasters we've ridden in the past.
It's just a little confusing to skip over all the nervous discomfort of a new relationship and go straight to the 'relaxed, known you forever and still like you' stage. I guess the main concern for both of us is whether or not the attraction will grow with time or just remain as it is.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful, it just seems like something is missing at this point for both of us. If that fervor of attraction is unnecessary, then so be it. We could probably be happy as things are, but we both want more. Sounds selfish, I know, but what's a birthday cake with out the candles. Hell, we both want big ass candles that burn like flares and blind the casual observer. But do we need that? We don't know and as everyone is an individual, all we can hope for is some insight from other who may have gone before us.